What affects the taste of coffee?

Category: Coffee
October 6, 2023

We take a deep dive in trying to answer: "what is the secret behind coffee's diversity of flavors?".

Every cup of coffee takes us on a journey, from the mountainous growing areas of Arabica beans to the lowland, robust Robusta plantations. Coffee is a beloved beverage enjoyed all over the world. It carries with it a history and character as deep and complex as the drink itself.

The secret of coffee's multiple flavors

The taste of coffee has an almost indescribable complexity. The heavenly brew has aromas and flavors from sweetness to bitterness, from citrus to chocolate. It starts with the coffee variety - Arabica and Robusta, each with its own specific flavor profile. Coffee beans grow in different climates, at different altitudes and in different soils. These geographical factors alone add considerable variety to the taste of coffee beans.

1. Arabica coffee - Refined & Certified

Arabica coffee is the world's most widely grown coffee variety and is responsible for about 70 percent of global coffee production. Its popularity lies in its slightly sweet, mild, and acidic flavor profile. Grown primarily in mountainous regions, it has Arabica beans have a lower caffeine content compared to rival Robusta, making it a prime choice for those who prefer a more restrained caffeine kick.

2. Robusta Coffee - Strong & Robust

Robusta, on the other hand, is world renowned for its distinct, powerful and bitter flavor profile. Grown in lowland areas, Robusta accounts for around 30% of global coffee production. Robusta beans contain more caffeine than Arabica and have a higher oxygen content.which contributes to its unique flavor. For those who want a strong and full-bodied coffee, Robusta is often the first choice, especially when it comes to espresso and blends.

But what actually influences the distinctive taste of coffee more than the type of coffee? There are several key factors to discuss.

3. The soil - Where the beans grow

One of the main factors is the soil where the coffee beans are grown. The soil, combined with climate and altitude conditions, play a major role in the growth and development of the coffee bean. The Arabica type thrives best in highland areas with cool nights and warm days, while Robusta prefers a warmer and more humid climate.

4. Machining process - Dry & Wet

The processing of the coffee beans also determines the taste of the final result. Two common processing methods are dry process and wet process.

  • The drying process involves drying the coffee beans in the sun before removing the fruit, giving the beans a fruity and relatively sweet flavor profile. This method is often used on Arabica farms in countries such as Brazil and Costa Rica.
  • On the other hand, the wet process involves washing and fermenting the beans before drying. The result is a coffee with a cleaner and more balanced flavor profile. This method is usually used on high quality coffee beans and is more common in Arabica farms in countries like Kenya and Ethiopia.

5. The roasting process - From light to dark roast

The roasting process also plays a crucial role in the taste of the coffee. The beans are roasted in different degrees, ranging from lightly roasted to dark roasted beans. The lightly roasted beans retain more of their original flavor profile and offer a bright and acidic taste. Dark roasted beans, on the other hand, have a more prominent and powerful flavor with hints of chocolate and caramel.

6. Construction method - Packaging the flavor

Finally, the construction method can also have a big impact on the taste of the coffee. Different construction methods, such as espresso, pour-over or French press, can bring out different flavors from the beans. Some methods can produce a more rich and oily texture while other methods can produce a cleaner and clearer flavor profile.

From soil to a cup of coffee - a kaleidoscope of flavors!

The secret to coffee's diversity of flavor goes beyond the coffee bean, whether Arabica or Robusta. Many factors contribute to the unique flavor profile of coffee.

Everything from the soil, climate and altitude creates a unique terroir that affects the maturity and character of the beans. We have the processing and roasting method that refines the raw characteristics and sculpts the final flavor profile. Finally, the brewing method also reveals the last secret flavor notes and closes the circle from soil to coffee cup.

So introduce yourself next cup of coffeeTake a moment to contemplate the journey. Let its scents and flavors capture you. Each cup contains a story, a journey from mountain slopes and southern lowlands to your hands. It's not just a drink, it's a reflection of the earth itself and transformed in a cup, ready to be enjoyed.
